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2023 #

Commercial funding
  • Principal Investigator (PI): Fault kinematics and structural model of the Albazino gold deposit, Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt
  • PI: Structural analysis of mineralization zones of the Voro and Pesherny gold deposits, Ural fold and thrust belt

2022 #

Commercial funding
  • PI: Structural analysis of the northwest-trending mineralization zones of the Albazino deposit, Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt
  • PI: Development of a geological 3D viewer: A case study from the Saint Petersburg area, between the Baltic Shield and the Russian platform
Federal funding
  • Structure and evolution of Precambrian microcontinents of the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt – focus on the regional tectonic history

2021 #

Commercial funding
  • PI: Structural modelling, tectonic evolution and cross-section balancing of the Ni-Cu Talnakh deposit, Norilsk region

  • PI: Structural and geological control of epithermal mineralization in the southwestern part of the Ag-Au Lunnoye deposit, Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt

  • Tectonic evolution of the Novoport oilfield, Yamal Peninsula – focus on the structural modelling, paleostress analysis and fracture modelling using 2D/3D seismic data

Federal funding
  • Structure and evolution of Precambrian microcontinents of the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt – focus on stress and strain analyses
Post Doctoral Fellow
  • Fold hinges-faults intersections analysis – focus on the application of the analysis to fracture modelling, fault seal behaviour and fault reactivation potential

2020 #

Federal funding
  • Ordovician mafic magmatic event along the south-east margin of the Siberian Craton – focus on the regional tectonic history
Post Doctoral Fellow
  • Fold hinges-faults intersections analysis – focus on the Mesozoic–Cenozoic evolution and the fault kinematics of the Nurol depression, southern West Siberian Basin

2019 #

Federal funding
  • PI: Structural evolution of Meso- to Neoproterozoic complexes of southern segments of the Ural-Mongolian Belt – focus on the Paleozoic evolution and paleostress analysis of the Kokdjot Block, Malyi Karatau ridge, South Kazakhstan
Post Doctoral Fellow
  • Fold hinges-faults intersections analysis – focus on the fault kinematics and paleostress analysis using 3D seismic data: a case study from the Archinsk oilfield, West Siberian Basin

2018 #

Commercial funding
  • Characteristics of the Meso-Cenozoic stage of rifting of the East Siberian continental margin of the Arctic Basin – focus on the structural restorations and cross-section balancing of the Laptev Sea Rift Basin
Federal funding
  • PI: Structural evolution of Meso- to Neoproterozoic complexes of southern segments of the Ural-Mongolian Belt – focus on the structural study and field mapping of the Meso- to Neoproterozoic Kochkor, Aktyuz and Karadjilga complexes, Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic Talas Alatau Ridge
  • Basement and depositional systems (source-to-sink) in the northern Barents Sea and adjacent parts of the proto-Arctic (BarN-S2S) – focus on the fault kinematic evolution of the southern part of the East Barents Sedimentary Basin

2017 #

Federal funding
  • Basement and depositional systems (source-to-sink) in the northern Barents Sea and adjacent parts of the proto-Arctic (BarN-S2S) – focus on the subsidence analysis of the southern part of the East Barents Sedimentary Basin

2015 #

Commercial funding
  • Tectonic evolution of the Kuyumba oilfield, Siberia – focus on the structural restoration and fracture modelling of reservoirs

2014 #

Federal funding
  • Tectonic evolution of the northern Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt – focus on the structural styles of the Neoproterozoic to Mesozoic Sette-Daban Ridge and cross-sections balancing of the Karaulakh segment

2013 #

Commercial funding
  • Tectonic evolution of the Archinsk oilfield, West Siberian Basin – focus on the structural restoration and fracture modelling of reservoirs
  • Deformation microstructures of metamorphic rocks of the Caledonian Middle Allochthon, Nordreisa Area, Norway
Artem Moskalenko
Artem Moskalenko
PhD in Geology